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OSGear Team
Trenbolone Hexy 100 - Pharmaqo
DOSAGE Men 200-600 mg/week
ACNE Rarely
LAB TEST See Document
WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 4
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate,
Trenbolone Hexy 100 is a derivative of Nandrolone, but its effect on the body is very different. The fact that Nandrolone, due to 5d-afa-reductase, passes in the body as a weak dihydronandrolone, has no androgenic effects and therefore its effect on the body is much weaker. On Trenbolone Hexy 100 5-a-reductase has no impact, that’s why this steroid is a strong androgen, and as a result, has a much stronger effect on the athlete. Anabolic action of the drug is 5 times higher than that of Testosterone.
Thus anabolic is not flavored, ie its active ingredient is not transformed into estroges, and does not cause side effects such as water retention, and gynecomastia. However, the drug enhances the aromatization of other steroids that are included in the cycle.
Trenbolone Hexy 100 Effects
It makes muscles tighter;
It provides bulk and muscle definition;
It increases stamina, reduces fatigue from training;
Increase power rates;
It speeds up recovery after exercise and competition;
It helps to burn fat.
Once the athlete has finished Trenbolone Hexy 100 cycle, the effect is long-lasting.
How to Use Trenbolone Hexy 100: Dosage, Cycle, PCT
If you have decided to buy Trenbolone Hexy 100, before taking you need to consider the following points:
The drug is taken at 100-300 mg per week. One steroid injection in 7 days will be sufficient, before competitions injections are made more frequently – 2-3 times a week.
Cycle length should not exceed 8 weeks, since the drug may negatively affect the kidneys.
For beginners this drug is not recommended, for start is better to buy anabolics with weaker action. If you finally decide to take this drug, the maximum dose should not exceed 200 mg per week.
For women this steroid is prohibited due to the high probability masculinization.
Trenbolone Hexy 100 cycle gives muscle mass gain of 10 kg or more.
This steroid is in the blood for a long time and is easily detected by a doping control, because of that the drug is not possible to be taken before the competition, and the main supporters of this anabolic are powerlifters and bodybuilders.
This drug has a profound effect on the kidneys, therefore it is recommended for athletes to drink at least 3.4 liters of water per day in order to mitigate the effect of the drug. This anabolic reduces the production of endogenous testosterone, so it is recommended to be taken with such drugs as Clomid and Proviron.
Trenbolone Hexy 100 Combination Cycles
Trenbolone Hexy 100 in a combined cycle is much more effective than taking it solo. At the same time it is recommended along with it to buy Winstrol, Oxandrolone, Boldenone. If the goal is to support the athlete’s muscle with a low calorie diet, intense workouts and fat burning while taking the drug, you can create a mix of Trenbolone Hexy 100 and buy Stanozolol, Masteron, Primobolan, Boldenone.
For gaining muscle mass, Trenbolone Hexy 100 also is used. In this case, you should buy Dianabol and Testosterone Cypionate. The cycle also is possible to make with concomitant medications that support health. So, you can buy fat burners, peptides, dietary supplements and vitamin/mineral supplements.
WARNING! Trenbolone Hexy 100, from reviews, can not be combined with Nandrolone Decanoate and Oxymetholone, since these steroids have a strong progestogenic activity.
Trenbolone Hexy 100 Reviews
If you decided to buy Trenbolone Hexy 100, reviews can provide a good service. Seasoned athletes share their opinion about Trenbolone Hexy 100 and how to receive it. Athletes reviews comes down to the fact that it is a powerful steroid that helps to maintain beautiful muscles and significantly increase the power rates. Also reliably, it is known that the drug does not retain water and increases the pressure. Some athletes say that after a cycle of Trenbolone Hexy 100, had observed a lack of energy, but at the same time gained muscle mass is preserved for a long time.
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.
J. V.
Great Parabolan Trenbolone 08 Sep, 23
This is the original version of Trenbolone in its truest form, also known as Parabolan. It comes dosed as 100mg/ml but often feels and performs as if it is slightly stronger than that. Not as hard hitting and as in your face as Acetate but more active than the longer estered Enanthate version, so it basically lies somewhere in between the 2. I always like to run it around 200mg to 300mg per week and there really is no reason to run it any higher than this. You will get similar side effects as the others such as increased sweating, heart rate and blood pressure. Many however find it much more tolerable to run because the aggression and irritability factor tends to be much less, as does insomnia and anxiety. Without these sides being as prevalent its much easier to run when in a relationship and working around others - something which often causes problems on the other 2 esters. The dosing of this product is spot on so there is no danger of overdosing or under dosing the hormone.