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⭐️ 25% DISCOUNT for all Ultima Pharmaceuticals - Cycles | Ultima-HGH 500IU - LIMITED OFFER - $650 | 5% CASHBACK**

Promo ends at 11:59 P.M. PST, 19th of January! **store credit can be used with a new order

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Muscle Shape Cutting Cycle - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - Cycles

In Stock 25% OFF ( 0 Reviews )
$717.00 $956.00

5 x Ultima-Prop - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [10 ml x 100 mg/ml]
5 x Ultima-Tren Hexa 100 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [10 ml x 100 mg/ml]
5 x Ultima-Drostan P 100 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [10 ml x 100 mg/ml]
1 x Ultima-Anastro - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [50 pills x 1 mg]
1 x Ultima-Clomid - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [50 pills x 50 mg]

MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals - Cycles
WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
SUBSTANCE Anastrozole, Clomiphene Citrate, Drostanolone Propionate, Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate,

(Save $1,553.50) $3,226.50
(Save $3,824.00) $5,736.00
🌏 International Warehouse 🌏

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Brand: Ultima Pharmaceuticals


Having Masteron and Tren this stack makes it possible to get a better muscle shape than any other cycle. Perhaps Tren + Masteron + Test – it’s the only stack where the athlete may actually gain weight and burn fat at the same time. By incorporating powerful non-aromatizing androgens (Tren and Mast) it is possible to gain weight on a background of visible cutting.

The cycle is a vivid example of a situation where you can kill two birds with one stone, a cheat-code for experienced athletes who never accept compromises. Strengthened by testosterone, steroids work on a peak efficiency. Trenbolone triggers powerful anabolic processes and boosts bulking while Masteron burns fat without damage to the lean muscles. Weight increase will not be as significant as when using Dbol or Deca, but the quality is exceptional. 10-15 lbs of steep shape are the average expected results.

Ultima-Prop: 100 mg every other day
Ultima-Tren Hexa 100: 200-300 mg / week
Ultima-Drostan P 100: 300 mg / week
Ultima-Anastro: 1 mg every other day
PCT: Ultima-Clomid for 4 weeks

We are not professionals and under no circumstances should our advice be taken as so or over the instructions of a professional, we are simply sharing experience.

Please be informed that OSGear do NOT assume any responsibility for the eventual issues during the cycle, wrong administration of the products or results.


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