Clenbut 40 mcg - Shree Venkatesh
MANUFACTURER Shree Venkatesh
WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 1
D. V.
Purchased for PCT 31 Jul, 24
I've always had great results with Clenbuterol, and love to use it as a supplement to my post cycle therapy to continue staying lean.
M. T.
Great fat burner 11 May, 24
Start low and build up. Definitely works!
J. M.
Great diet aid 04 May, 23
I purchased these because I've learned the hard way with other brands. Anything dosed in micrograms, you should stick with pharma grade. These are a great addition to any diet plan. These will help get those last few pounds off. Cycle them 2 weeks on, and two weeks off. These will give you the jitters for the first couple weeks, and may cause muscle cramps. Other than that, they work fantastic.