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OSGear Team
Safe Bulking Beginner Cycle - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - Cycles
1 x Ultima-Cyp - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [10 ml x 250 mg/ml]
2 x Ultima-Deca 250 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [10 ml x 250 mg/ml]
3 x Ultima-Turinabol - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [50 pills x 20 mg]
1 x Ultima-Clomid - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [50 pills x 50 mg]
2 x Ultima-Clen-Salbuto - Ultima Pharmaceuticals [50 pills x 2 mg]
MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals - Cycles
WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
Chlorodehydro Methyltest,
Clomiphene Citrate,
Nandrolone Decanoate,
Testosterone Cypionate,
Brand: Ultima Pharmaceuticals
Strong combination for achieving impressive muscle gains without watery weight. The effective bulking stack with excellent compatibility for a significant and safe muscle increase. Turinabol instead of Dbol, in this case, will provide dry and more defined muscle. Testosterone – the base for each high-quality stack, the key steroid for muscle tissue as well as power. Nandrolone – the most efficient component for muscle growing cycles. Test and Deca work as a team to give you rapid power, strength, and mass increase; Turinabol does not aromatize, which significantly reduces the risk of side effects.
This cycle is very similar to the effects of Dbol use but it’s much safer and well-balanced. The combination works effectively in three ways: the explosive growth of strength and muscle mass, fast recovery, endurance. The cycle will provide around 8 kg of quality muscle for beginners. After ceasing, be sure to run the proper PCT cycle.
Ultima-Cyp: 250 mg / week
Ultima-Deca 250: 250-400 mg / week
Ultima-Turinabol: 20-40 mg / day
PCT: Ultima-Clomid and Ultima-Clen-Salbuto
We are not professionals and under no circumstances should our advice be taken as so or over the instructions of a professional, we are simply sharing experience.
Please be informed that OSGear do NOT assume any responsibility for the eventual issues during the cycle, wrong administration of the products or results.