Ultima-Drostan E 200 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US
DOSAGE Men 300-700 mg/week
MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US
LAB TEST See Document
Drostanolone Enanthate,
Ultima-Drostan E 200
The main active ingredient in Ultima-Drostan E 200 is Drostanolone Enanthate.
Ultima-Drostan E 200, according to reviews, affects the body of the athlete in a similar manner to testosterone but does it softer and does not cause the side effects which are peculiar to the male hormone. Moderation of its effect allows women to use it as long as they do not exceed the recommended dosages, they may be not afraid of virilization.
Ultima-Drostan E 200 Effects
helps to build a beautiful dense muscles with high resistance to the phenomenon of rollback;
Ultima-Drostan E 200 do not delay fluid in the tissues;
the drug has a positive effect on the relief of muscles and improve venous drawing;
there is significant fat-burning effect.
In order to achieve the best results on the course it is also recommended to buy peptides, fat burners, dietary supplements and vitamin/mineral supplements, diet, exercise.
How to Use Ultima-Drostan E 200: Dosage, Cycle, PCT
take Ultima-Drostan E 200 over from a half to three months.
men, on average inject 400-500 mg per week.
for beginners, a seven-day dosing should reduce to 200 mg.
women are advised not to exceed 100 mg per week.
Beginners and athletes with little experience with th use of sports pharmacology, it is recommended a simple cycle of 6-7 weeks. It requires buy Methandienone (Dianabol) and Ultima-Drostan E 200. This combination will ensure the growth of muscle strength. Drostanolone is injected 50-100 mg every second day, and Dianabol taken at 30-40 mg daily.
For those who wish to acquire a good quality musculature, it is suitable Ultima-Drostan E 200 and Testosterone Propionate cycle (100 mg every other day each), with Turanabol (40 mg daily). It lasts from 6 to 8 weeks and will also help to raise and force characteristics.
Ultima-Drostan E 200 Reviews
For years, Ultima-Drostan E 200 is very popular, so in the reviews left on Ultima-Drostan E 200 it is not difficult to believe. The only thing against which usually resent it presented on Ultima-Drostan E 200 price. But you can not expect that a quality product will cost worthless money.
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.
J. M.
Ultima "Masteron" 200mg/ml 26 Dec, 24
Good quality. Test/Tren/Mast for the perfect cutting cycle never disappoints. Hardens you up and dry's you out. You can use it as an AI even to lower E2 on a bulk cycle, bulk and stay nice and dry/hard. It has it's purpose,mainly as a cutting/hardening agent on prep.
T. M.
Fast Shipping, Excellent Communication, Pharma Grade Products 10 Apr, 24
Ultima Products in my opinion are pharmaceutical grade. You get exactly what they advertise and the brand has never let me down. Osgear has earned my loyalty because they are fast, extremely professional, and the only company I trust ordering from.
R. M.
Lightening Fast Delivery 24 Aug, 23
What more can you ask for than the speed of this delivery. Purchased the product on Wednesday, shipment mailed out on Thursday and received the product on Monday! Also you have to appreciate the amazing deals here. Purchased these on the BOGO sale.
C. L.
Ultima Mast 06 Jul, 23
Ordered this product and go it 1 week later. Very competitive price with fast shipping! Since then I’ve run it for 2 weeks and I can already feel the impact. The pin is smooth with no PIP. Definitely legit Masteron.
P. O.
Ultima Drostanolone 200 Enanthate 03 May, 23
I ordered Ultima Test Cyp 250, Ultima Drostanolone 200 E, Ultima DBol 50 x 50mgs. The Ultima Drostanolone 200 Enanthate was great quality, competitively priced and medical professionally packaged. I'll be ordering again as this is hard to find at this price point and for this type of quality.