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OSGear Team
Deca 500 - Nakon Medical
DOSAGE Men 300-600 mg/week
ACNE Rarely
HBR Perhaps
LAB TEST See Document
WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
Nandrolone Decanoate,
Deca 500
Deca 500 active substance is Nandrolone Decanoate, a key steroid in the world of professional sports. In many ways, Nandrolone is similar to Testosterone, but differs weak androgenic activity (30%, provided that a minimum pullback on the course and no androgenic pobochek and gynecomastia at normalized doses) and a higher anabolic activity (150%).
Deca 500 Effects
Deca 500 – means to buy a steroid with the best balance of basic effects and adverse reactions. It should be noted that Deca 500 has certain progestogenic activity. This in turn can cause mild progestogen gynecomastia, decreased production of testosterone due to its arc disorder of hypothalamic-pituitary-testes, but it is absolutely minus of all anabolic steroids.
Furthermore, Deca 500 has no deleterious effect on liver, which allows the use of drug by people with liver failure.
How to Use Deca 500: Dosage, Cycle, PCT
Experiments conducted in the laboratory have shown that with a Deca 500 combination with other steroids, you can achieve even better results, as also evidenced by the feedback of athletes who have experienced a positive effect of such combinations on themselves.
Deca 500 is especially effective in the following cycles: Deca 500 + Testosterone Enanthate, Deca 500 + Dianabol, Deca 500 + Winstrol / Stanozolol (in this case, the cycle is aimed for drying, with Deca 500 used in small doses, such as 250 mg per week). One of the best cycles for the enhancement of muscle mass is a cycle duration of 8 weeks: Deca 500 + Testosterone Enanthate + Dianabol (half cycle) + Winstrol Depot + Testosterone Propionate.
Deca 500 cycle should last for 6-8 weeks. Injections are made 1 time per week. Considering the activity period – 15 days, there is no need to do 2 injections per week. The recommended dose is 250-500 mg of Nandrolone per week. Maximum of 600 mg per week, but with increasing dose increases the risk of side effects. You can get great results if you do 2 cycles with breaks in reasonable doses, rather than one in large dosage. For maximum effect take sports nutrition system and keep to a diet for gaining muscle mass.
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.
D. V.
Shines in Long Winter-Time Cycles 05 Feb, 25
I took this with a Test to Deca ratio of 2:1. The results are great. It builds a lot of dense, high quality muscle - unlike the puffy cosmetic looking muscle a compound like Dbol gets you. Sides are nearly non existent, most likely because of my dosing protocol. I did however notice a huge increase in feelings of romantic attachment and sentimentality, which I would not consider negative side effects.
S. G.
Works great 28 Oct, 24
Took this with test cyp 250. Felt amazing and when I did blood work my white blood cells were thru the roof