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Ultima-TriTren 150 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US

In Stock ( 8 Reviews )

DOSAGE Men 200-600 mg/week
ACNE Rarely
HBR Perhaps
MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US
LAB TEST See Document
SUBSTANCE Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate,

(Save $47.00) $428.00
(Save $190.00) $760.00
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Ultima-TriTren 150 – an anabolic and androgenic steroid from Ultima Pharmaceuticals company. The drug is produced in injectable form, each vial contains 150 ml of anabolic (50 mg of Trenbolone Acetate, 50 mg of Trenbolone Enanthate and 50 mg of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate). The main purpose to buy Ultima-TriTren steroid is: a set of muscle mass, increase athletic performance and endurance.

Ultima-TriTren 150 by Ultima Pharmaceuticals has as active ingredient – esterified Trenbolone. The drug consists of three active substances esters: Acetate, Enanthate and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. This combination will provide a permanent hormone background for a long time. For a minimum of ten days, the Ultima-TriTren’s active substance will flow into the blood. This mixture of esters makes it possible not to inject each of them separately, and to receive all three esters at a time. This makes steroid convenient and saves you money, because the Ultima-TriTren price is quite high. All esters break down alternately, the first is the Acetate, followed by Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, and after – Enanthate. The last esters are similar, because, if necessary, may be replaced with each other.

Ultima-TriTren 150 Effects

effectively build high quality muscle mass (proper diet, regular exercise, and a regular cycle with Ultima-TriTren will help an athlete gain up to 10 kg of lean body muscles);
no flavoring;
increase endurance and power performance of the athlete;
good compatibility with other drugs;
inhibition of catabolic processes in the body (Ultima-TriTren may decrease cortisol levels, which destroys muscle and body fat stores);
increase sexual desire (some athletes at the end of the cycle can not be faced with an increased libido, but rather notice a decrease).

Despite the fact that Ultima-TriTren product price is high, instead you will be sure that the money you didn’t spent in vain.

How to Use Ultima-TriTren 150: Dosage, Cycle, PCT

To pass the cycle with the preparation Ultima-TriTren, you need to know the features of such use as:

The cycle lasts for 8-12 weeks (the duration depends on the experience of the athlete. Moreover, Ultima-TriTren act progressively).
A safe dose for receiving – 300 mg per week.
The use of this anabolic on a “ladder” (the amount of drug gradually increases. If the reception lasts more than 50 days, from the second week of the cycle is connected Gonadotropin, using it in a period of two weeks after the completion of the cycle).

Ultima-TriTren 150 Combination Cycles

Most experienced athletes are running not solo cycle, but combined, therefore can buy anabolic with Ultima-TriTren for enhancing effect of these drugs. So, to get even better results on Ultima-TriTren cycle, it is recommended to buy Nandrolone Decanoate, Testosterone Enanthate. These combinations are effective, but there is a risk to face the negative reactions. For a more secure connections, you can buy Winstrol or Oxandrolone, which athletes use during the drying cycles, to get a nice muscle relief.

PCT is held with such drugs as Toremifene or Clomid. It must be remembered that an independent increase in dose, results in undesirable side effects such as increased blood pressure, insomnia, acne and so on. Before taking this steroid, it is advisable to consult your doctor. If you’re not sure you can make a combined cycle properly, pay attention to the ready-made cycle of steroids for gaining muscle mass.

Ultima-TriTren 150 Reviews

The drug Ultima-TriTren, price of which is high, yet consistent with the principle of price/quality. Professionals says that this steroid stimulates muscle hyperplasia, as well as significantly increase in power rates. Trenbolone admission also increases stamina. It is noted by athletes who left reviews on Ultima-TriTren.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.
  • R. H.

    WOW EFFECT!!! 15 Mar, 25

    I have ordered tri-tren 150mg many times. I run ultimate prop 50 mg a day. I rapidly shred up nice in 1 month 2 month 8 pack. And this stuff makes women so attracted to you. Love this shit. Run some cabergoline with it !!

  • S. M.

    Great Product, Great Results 01 Nov, 24

    Been getting fantastic results with this blend. Just ordered some more. I will say I've gotten the "Tren cough" once, felt it swelling up to happen again fully a few other times. Night sweats a bit, increased aggression, libido, just a general sense that I've been put on earth to get jacked, and walk around big as F#%!. I'd say that it's working as intended!? Vascularity through the roof too! Great gear from OS and Ultima as always!?

  • J. G.

    Touchdown 07 Jun, 24

    Great quality, shipped out fast, best tren out there very reliable

  • M. C.

    Best Tren! 09 Mar, 24

    Great product. Price is a bit high but you get what you pay for. Just ordered my 2nd cycle. 300mg per week works perfect for me.

  • K. F.

    The Best So Far 14 Jan, 24

    I've tried a number of Tren products from various vendors. This is by far, the best Tren out there. I noticed no sides and helped me to quickly shed some weight and get that vascular look many of us like. I would recommend this one to anybody looking to cut.

  • R. B.

    One of the best 19 Dec, 23

    After bulking up for a while it was time to trim off the excess fat and water I'd packed on, I used the tri Tren 150 for the last 4 weeks of a 12 week cycle and look like a chiseled Greek God about now, I have used other Teen products in the past, but this Tri Tren cycle is hands down the best I've used to date.

  • K. F.

    Excellent 06 Aug, 23

    Love the way it gives you a more dry, shredded and vascular look. Really like this item. No sides that I noticed.

  • A. P.

    Great product 27 Nov, 22

    Feel immediate pre workout with the hex Is awesome.


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