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Ultima-Clomid - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US

In Stock ( 5 Reviews )

DOSAGE 40-100 mg/day
HBR Rare
MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US
LAB TEST See Document
SUBSTANCE Clomiphene Citrate,

(Save $35.00) $315.00
(Save $140.00) $560.00
🇺🇸 Shipping to USA ONLY 🇺🇸

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Ultima-Clomid – a synthetic estrogen, which is usually assigned to women that have difficulty conceiving a child. As for men, the application of Ultima-Clomid increases the level of hormones that stimulate the testicles. That is Ultima-Clomid acts directly on the pituitary gland. This increases the natural production of testosterone by the body.

Chemically for athletes this is highly a favorable effect, since at the end of cycle Testosterone levels are higher than normal. Once the athlete stops taking medication, testosterone levels significantly decreased and its natural level must be returned. Because of this, there are considerable loss of muscle mass and volume. Studies show that when taking Ultima-Clomid in the amount of 50-100 mg per day, in the evening or in the morning, after meals, in the two-week period or more natural testosterone production is back to normal.

Ultima-Clomid Effects

During the period of Ultima-Clomid use, it raises testosterone levels. As effective is Ultima-Clomid as an anti-estrogen. Many athletes experience a surplus in it after completing the cycle. A high level of the hormone in combination with low testosterone may lead to the development of gynecomastia. Ultima-Clomid – solves two problems: blocks unwanted effect of estrogen; rising natural level of testosterone in the body.

In this regard as of side effects, it is considered a fairly safe drug. Ultima-Clomid is both women and men, in that there are no contraindications. Women who use this drug helps to achieve tighter appearance before the competition. There may be temporary visual disturbances.

How to Use Ultima-Clomid: Dosage, Cycle, Reviews

In the early cycle apply two tablets a day (it is 100 mg). Then, the dosage can go to one tablet per day.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.
  • R. B.

    It works! 13 Oct, 24

    This stuff is legit. My pcp prescribed me this to raise T levels, of course I knew it was cheaper online so I went that route. In 6 months of taking only 25mg at night I went from 429 ng/dL total test and 8.7 pg/mL free test to 728 ng/dL total test and 12 pg/mL free test.

  • W. H.

    T.S. 07 Apr, 24

    Taking with cycle on and off. 1 month on 1off . No shrinking nothing really impressed.nk sides either. Great product if you like you balls to stay normal size lol and.i believe it keeps your body producing it's own test as well via the lh and fsh receptors. Had great results plane on using pct as well

  • J. S.

    Great product 05 Jul, 23

    Works perfect, like a miracle pill

  • D. M.

    Good product! 07 May, 23

    This product is legit clomid and works. However , it really messes with my head and so to prevent a divorce I have had to stop taking it on two different attempts . Good luck to those that do not have this issue because it is the real deal .

  • K. D.

    Secret ingredient 02 May, 23

    This is the MUST add to your stack. Keeps the estrogen levels in check and allows you to capitalize on the stack. I call these my secret ingredient! Highly recommend


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