Ultima-Dbol 10 - Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US
DOSAGE 150-350mg/week
MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals - US
LAB TEST See Document
Androgenic activity (low) may contribute to the development of secondary sexual characteristics of male type.
Quickly and completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, it has the effect of “first pass” through the liver. At 90% it is associated with specific blood globulins carriers. Duration – up to 14 hours.
The effects of the drug
Rapid increase in muscle mass;
Increases power performance;
Increased appetite;
Low fat burning;
Strengthens the skeletal system.
Possible side effects
gynecomastia (feminization, breast enlargement). To prevent it, during the cycle it is required to apply the anti-estrogens (Arimidex, Proviron, Proviroxyl), which are almost 100% effective. Upon completion of the cycle, it is important to carry out post-cycle therapy, including such drugs as Nolvadex and Clenbuterol.
toxicity. Since Methandienone refers to the 17 alpha methyl group, it gives it the opportunity to not break down in the liver, but having anabolic effect, it has on a moderate toxic effects when inflating the dosage. If you have an intense, long-lasting AS cycle of high-dose, then use hepatoprotective drugs after the cycle, at PCT. During the cycle, the best solution is combining Ultima-Dbol with an injectable anabolic (eg, Deca), to relieve the load on the liver (as AS injections are absolutely non-toxic).
water retention. It occurs mainly in the muscles, which gives a greater effect for a visible musculature. After completing the cycle, the water is drained and the weight falls – the so-called rollback phenomenon. This effect can be significantly reduced with the help of anti-estrogens on the cycle and a full and proper conduct of PCT.
Ultima-Dbol Cycles
Ultima-Dbol cycle for men, whose aim is a set of muscle mass. Usual Ultima-Dbol dosage is about 20-40 mg per day. Large dosage does not bring the best results, but rather there are the likelihood of side effects. Most optimal dosage is considered 30 mg per day, divided into three equal reception. At the end of the cycle there is a significant increase in mass and strength. Must be included in the cycle – anti-estrogens (especially Proviron), to improve the efficiency of the cycle, as well as to reduce the likelihood of side effects.
B. W.
Dianabol 10 25 Aug, 24
Great product all around. I feel great and stack with proviron to help with the sides. Ultima products are always top notch.
Z. R.
Ultima Pharma Dbol Review: A Comprehensive Assessment 16 May, 24
Introduction: In the pursuit of optimizing my fitness journey, I incorporated Ultima Pharma's Dbol into my regimen alongside Ultima Test-E. With two weeks under my belt, I've experienced notable effects that warrant a closer look. First Impressions: The packaging of Ultima Pharma's Dbol exudes professionalism and security, aligning seamlessly with the high standards set by their Test Enanthate. This initial impression instilled confidence in the product's quality and reliability. Usage Experience: unexpected yet delightful sensation of euphoria.Enhancinged motivation and focus in the gym. Effectiveness: In just two weeks, Ultima Pharma's Dbol has showcased its effectiveness in augmenting my performance and strength gains. The synergy between Dbol and Test Enanthate has propelled my progress to new heights, allowing me to push past plateaus and achieve notable improvements in my physique. (I feel like the amount of glycogen/ (Intramuscular water) might be slightly overstating my physiques feeling currently) as well as increase vascularity. Estrogenic Side Effects: As with any powerful compound, estrogenic side effects presented themselves, albeit to a manageable extent. Balancing these effects required careful attention and adjustment, particularly in conjunction with Ultima Test-E. However, with proper monitoring and intervention, I was able to mitigate these side effects effectively, ensuring a smooth continuation of my cycle. (Im using the Ultima Arimidex to mitigate/manage sides) Conclusion: Despite encountering estrogenic side effects, the overall experience has been positive, with notable gains in strength, performance, and mood enhancement. If you're seeking an effective performance enhancer to take your workouts to the next level, Ultima Pharma's Dbol is certainly worth considering - it works.
D. N.
Ultima-Dbol 10 28 Feb, 23
Ultima-Dbol 10! Love this stuff!