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Delivery & Shipping

You will receive a confirmation email once your order has been shipped. The tracking information will be available in the order details of your account. If you have not received a shipping confirmation email, please check your SPAM/Junk folder as it may have been received there. For domestic orders, please allow 5-9 business days from the date of shipment for your parcel to arrive. For international orders, please allow up to 60 days from the date of shipment for your parcel to arrive. Business days do not include weekends or national public holidays.
It can take up to 7 business days until the tracking number will be available online. Always check the tracking number on www.17track.net or your national post tracking service.
The packages are processed by third party services and we can't influence the shipping since the package has left our warehouse. Please allow us 60 days from the moment of providing the tracking number before asking us to reship.
Depending on what you've ordered, your order may be shipped in more than one package and from different warehouses. Parts of your order may be shipped with a different package but always under the same Order ID. The packages may not arrive on the same day. You can always check if the order was shipped in multiple packages in your account.
We ship from many locations in different packages. Please allow us time to fully update your order.
If you do not receive your order within the expected time frame, create a new ticket and contact our Customer Service. We will work hard to figure out what caused the delay and send the order to you quickly.
In rare circumstances, some items in our store may be temporarily out of stock. If you have ordered multiple items with availability issues, we will ship in-stock items immediately and hold the balance of your order. Backordered items will ship as soon as they are available. Splitting up your order will in no way increase the cost of shipping to you. You can help by giving instructions on dealing with back-orders by contacting Customer Service at any time.
Once an order has shipped out we will update your account with tracking number within 2-3 business days. Just login to your account using your email address and password, then click on your order number in your order history. The tracking number will appear under the tracking column. Visit your country Postal Service website to track your shipment.
It almost always says that right up until the package gets delivered to your door or at least clear the customs. Allow your regular mail package up to 60 days and if the status does not change contact our Customer Service.
Depending on the shipping options that you have chosen, your delivery ETA is as follows: • First Class Priority Airmail - delivery time 30-60 days. Tracking number available.
Unfortunately we are not able to change the shipping address on orders once they've been handed to the carrier. We strongly recommend you to double check your order information before submitting the order. Any mistake may cause the loss of the package, since it can't be returned to sender.
We always ship without signature required. Anyway, in some cases the postal service/courier can ask for one for the packages sent from specific countries. Even if they do, is not a problem since the package passed the customs control and the signature is just a simple procedure... there is nothing to be worried about, nobody knows what's inside.
Yes. We can ship to PO Box addresses.
We ship all orders within 3-4 days after the payment is picked up. We do not ship on weekends or holidays. Please allow us 1-2 days to proceed your payment (excluding Sundays). Delivery times and shipping costs will vary based on the method of shipment you choose. When you checkout, you will be prompted to choose a shipping method. Your shipping charges will be automatically calculated during checkout prior to the completion of your order.
Shipping in plain envelopes just like simple correspondence should get the package directly to your door without any other questions asked. All shipments are carefully and discretely wrapped by default.
OSGear only offer the following shipping option: • Regular Post - First Class Priority Airmail - $35
Depends on where you are located and which product you order. When you choose your products, you can easily check the warehouse where are available.